

802.11x, Wireless Networks
and security, Wireless Networks


Apache HTTP Server
cgi security, Restrict Permissions for Executable Directories
directives, Securing Apache HTTP Server
introducing, Securing Apache HTTP Server
attackers and risks, Attackers and Risks


basic input output system
security, BIOS and Boot Loader Security
passwords, BIOS Passwords
black hat hacker
See crackers
boot loaders
password protecting, Password Protecting GRUB
password protecting, Password Protecting LILO
security, Boot Loader Passwords


CIPE, Crypto IP Encapsulation (CIPE)
customizing, Customizing CIPE
installation, CIPE Installation
co-location services, Hardware Security
collecting evidence, Collecting an Evidential Image
file auditing tools, Gathering Post-Breach Information
dd, Gathering Post-Breach Information
file, Gathering Post-Breach Information
find, Gathering Post-Breach Information
grep, Gathering Post-Breach Information
md5sum, Gathering Post-Breach Information
stat, Gathering Post-Breach Information
strings, Gathering Post-Breach Information
common exploits and attacks, Common Exploits and Attacks
table, Common Exploits and Attacks
communication tools
secure, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
GPG, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
OpenSSH, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
computer emergency response team, The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
controls, Security Controls
administrative, Administrative Controls
physical, Physical Controls
technical, Technical Controls
document, Document Conventions
black hat hacker, Shades of Grey
definition, Hackers and Crackers


dd, Collecting an Evidential Image, Gathering Post-Breach Information
Denial of Service (DoS)
distributed, Security Today
See networks


file, Gathering Post-Breach Information
file auditing
tools, Gathering Post-Breach Information
find, Gathering Post-Breach Information
firewall types, Firewalls
network address translation (NAT), Firewalls
packet filter, Firewalls
proxy, Firewalls
firewalls, Firewalls
additional resources, Additional Resources
personal, Personal Firewalls
types, Firewalls
anonymous access, Anonymous Access
anonymous upload, Anonymous Upload
greeting banner, FTP Greeting Banner
introducing, Securing FTP
TCP wrappers and, Use TCP Wrappers To Control Access
user accounts, User Accounts
vsftpd, Securing FTP
warning banner, FTP Warning Banner
wu-ftpd, Securing FTP


grep, Gathering Post-Breach Information
grey hat hacker
See hackers


hacker ethic, Hackers and Crackers
black hat
See cracker
definition, Hackers and Crackers
grey hat, Shades of Grey
white hat, Shades of Grey
hardware, Hardware and Network Protection
and security, Hardware Security
laptops, Hardware Security
servers, Hardware Security
workstations, Hardware Security


See intrusion detection systems
incident response, Incident Response
and legal issues, Legal Issues
collecting evidence, Collecting an Evidential Image
computer emergency response team (CERT), The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
creating a plan, Creating an Incident Response Plan
defining, Defining Incident Response
gathering post-breach information, Gathering Post-Breach Information
implementation, Implementing the Incident Response Plan
investigation, Investigating the Incident
post-mortem, Investigating the Incident
reporting the incident, Reporting the Incident
restoring and recovering resources, Restoring and Recovering Resources
incident response plan, Creating an Incident Response Plan
insecure services, Insecure Services
rsh, Insecure Services
telnet, Insecure Services
vsftpd, Insecure Services
wu-ftpd, Insecure Services
introduction, Introduction
other Red Hat Linux manuals, Introduction
topics, Introduction
intrusion detection systems, Intrusion Detection
and log files, Host-based IDS
defining, Defining Intrusion Detection Systems
host-based, Host-based IDS
network-based, Network-based IDS
Snort, snort
RPM Package Manager (RPM), RPM as an IDS
Tripwire, Tripwire
types, IDS Types
ip6tables, ip6tables
iptables, Netfilter and iptables
additional resources, Additional Resources
using, Using iptables


NIS, Use Kerberos Authentication


legal issues, Legal Issues
lpd, Identifying and Configuring Services
lsof, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening


md5sum, Gathering Post-Breach Information


Nessus, Nessus
Netfilter, Netfilter and iptables
additional resources, Additional Resources
Netfilter 6, ip6tables
netstat, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening
network services, Available Network Services
identifying and configuring, Identifying and Configuring Services
risks, Risks To Services
buffer overflow, Risks To Services
denial-of-service, Risks To Services
script vulnerability, Risks To Services
network topologies, Secure Network Topologies
linear bus, Physical Topologies
ring, Physical Topologies
star, Physical Topologies
networks, Hardware and Network Protection
and security, Secure Network Topologies
de-militarized zones (DMZs), Network Segmentation and DMZs
hubs, Transmission Considerations
segmentation, Network Segmentation and DMZs
switches, Transmission Considerations
wireless, Wireless Networks
NFS, Securing NFS
and Sendmail, NFS and Sendmail
network design, Carefully Plan the Network
syntax errors, Beware of Syntax Errors
introducing, Securing NIS
iptables, Assign Static Ports and Use
Kerberos, Use Kerberos Authentication
NIS domain name, Use a Password-Like NIS Domain Name and Hostname
planning network, Carefully Plan the Network
securenets, Edit the /var/yp/securenets File
static ports, Assign Static Ports and Use
nmap, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening, Scanning Hosts with Nmap
command line version, Using Nmap
graphical version, Using Nmap


OpenSSH, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
scp, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
sftp, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
ssh, Security Enhanced Communication Tools
overview, Security Overview


password aging, Password Aging
password security, Password Security
aging, Password Aging
and PAM, Forcing Strong Passwords
auditing tools, Forcing Strong Passwords
Crack, Forcing Strong Passwords
John the Ripper, Forcing Strong Passwords
Slurpie, Forcing Strong Passwords
enforcement, Forcing Strong Passwords
in an organization, Creating User Passwords Within an Organization
methodology, Secure Password Creation Methodology
strong passwords, Creating Strong Passwords
within an organization, Creating User Passwords Within an Organization
pluggable authentication modules (PAM)
strong password enforcement, Forcing Strong Passwords
portmap, Identifying and Configuring Services
and iptables, Protect portmap With iptables
and TCP wrappers, Protect portmap With TCP Wrappers
monitoring, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening
post-mortem, Investigating the Incident


RAZOR, VLAD the Scanner
reporting the incident, Reporting the Incident
restoring and recovering resources, Restoring and Recovering Resources
patching the system, Patching the System
reinstalling the system, Reinstalling the System
encryption, Network Encryption
insecure services, Inherently Insecure Services
networks, Threats To Network Security
architectures, Insecure Architectures
open ports, Unused Services and Open Ports
patches and errata, Unpatched Services
servers, Threats To Server Security
inattentive administration, Inattentive Administration
wireless LAN (WLAN), Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANS)
workstations and PCs, Threats To Workstation and Home PC Security, Bad Passwords
applications, Vulnerable Client Applications
root, Allowing Root Access
allowing access, Allowing Root Access
disallowing access, Disallowing Root Access
limiting access, Limiting Root Access
and su, The su Command
and sudo, The sudo Command
with User Manager, The su Command
methods of disabling, Disallowing Root Access
changing the root shell, Disabling Root Logins
disabling SSH logins, Disabling Root SSH Logins
with PAM, Disabling Root Using PAM
root user
See root
and intrusion detection, RPM as an IDS
check GPG signature, Using the Errata Website
importing GPG key, Using the Errata Website


security considerations
hardware, Hardware and Network Protection
network transmission, Transmission Considerations
physical networks, Hardware and Network Protection
wireless, Wireless Networks
security overview, Security Overview
conclusion, Conclusion
See controls
defining computer security, What is Computer Security?
Denial of Service (DoS), Security Today
evolution of computer security, How did Computer Security Come about?
viruses, Security Today
sendmail, Identifying and Configuring Services
and NFS, NFS and Sendmail
introducing, Securing Sendmail
limiting DoS, Limiting Denial of Service Attack
server security
Apache HTTP Server, Securing Apache HTTP Server
cgi security, Restrict Permissions for Executable Directories
directives, Securing Apache HTTP Server
FTP, Securing FTP
anonymous access, Anonymous Access
anonymous upload, Anonymous Upload
greeting banner, FTP Greeting Banner
TCP wrappers and, Use TCP Wrappers To Control Access
user accounts, User Accounts
vsftpd, Securing FTP
warning banner, FTP Warning Banner
wu-ftpd, Securing FTP
NFS, Securing NFS
network design, Carefully Plan the Network
syntax errors, Beware of Syntax Errors
NIS, Securing NIS
iptables, Assign Static Ports and Use
Kerberos, Use Kerberos Authentication
NIS domain name, Use a Password-Like NIS Domain Name and Hostname
planning network, Carefully Plan the Network
securenets, Edit the /var/yp/securenets File
static ports, Assign Static Ports and Use
overview of, Server Security
portmap, Securing Portmap
monitoring, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening
Sendmail, Securing Sendmail
and NFS, NFS and Sendmail
limiting DoS, Limiting Denial of Service Attack
TCP wrappers, Enhancing Security With TCP Wrappers
attack wrarnings, TCP Wrappers and Attack Warnings
banners, TCP Wrappers and Connection Banners
logging, TCP Wrappers and Enhanced Logging
xinetd, Enhancing Security With xinetd
managing resources with, Controlling Server Resources
preventing DoS with, Controlling Server Resources
SENSOR trap, Setting a Trap
services, Verifying Which Ports Are Listening
Services Configuration Tool, Identifying and Configuring Services
Snort, snort
sshd, Identifying and Configuring Services
stat, Gathering Post-Breach Information
strings, Gathering Post-Breach Information
and root, The su Command
and root, The sudo Command


TCP wrappers
and FTP, Use TCP Wrappers To Control Access
and portmap, Protect portmap With TCP Wrappers
attack wrarnings, TCP Wrappers and Attack Warnings
banners, TCP Wrappers and Connection Banners
logging, TCP Wrappers and Enhanced Logging
Tripwire, Tripwire


official security errata, Security Updates
via Red Hat Errata website, Using the Errata Website
via Red Hat Network, Using Red Hat Network


Virtual Private Networks, Virtual Private Networks
trojans, Security Today
VLAD the Scanner, VLAD the Scanner
VPN, Virtual Private Networks
assessing with Nessus, Nessus
assessing with Nmap, Scanning Hosts with Nmap
assessing with VLAD the Scanner, VLAD the Scanner
assessing with Whisker, Whisker
assessment, Vulnerability Assessment
defining, Defining Assessment and Testing
establishing a methodology, Establishing a Methodology
testing, Defining Assessment and Testing


Whisker, Whisker
white hat hacker
See hackers
Wi-Fi networks
See 802.11x
wireless security, Wireless Networks
802.11x, Wireless Networks
workstation security, Workstation Security
BIOS, BIOS and Boot Loader Security
boot loaders
passwords, Boot Loader Passwords
evaluating, Evaluating Workstation Security
administrative control, Evaluating Workstation Security
BIOS, Evaluating Workstation Security
boot loaders, Evaluating Workstation Security
communications, Evaluating Workstation Security
passwords, Evaluating Workstation Security
personal firewalls, Evaluating Workstation Security


xinetd, Identifying and Configuring Services
managing resources with, Controlling Server Resources
preventing DoS with, Controlling Server Resources
SENSOR trap, Setting a Trap