Tell the World You Support Linux

[Select here to download image] Vendors such as Microsoft, SCO and Novell have little logos you can include on your product or in your ad to indicate your product works with their software. But, up until now, there has been no such logo for products that work with Linux.

Here at Linux Journal we decided to correct the problem. We designed a logo and are making a simple license for it available to anyone who cares to display it. A sample is displayed on this page.

The Cool it works with Linux licensing agreement is open to any vendor, so long as that vendor manufactures or distributes products that work with Linux. The license costs $1.00US per year, non-negotiable. To register for a license, please fill out the form below. Once you fill out the form you will be sent a bill in the mail for $1.00US for the first year. You may then begin displaying the Cool it works with Linux logo on your products. You can retrieve the logo at any time from our web site at You can retrieve it as a GIF file (click on the image) or as an Encapsulated PostScript file, provided you do not display it without a valid license. Alternately, you can order stickers of the same logo published by SSC, Inc. for $10 for 100 or $60 for 1000, licensing fee not included.

We decided to require a licensing agreement so that we can maintain control over who displays the logo and thus insure products displaying the logo really do work with Linux. The $1.00 charge is not intended to make us money but simply to secure a valid legal agreement. All rights to revoke or discontinue a license are reserved by SSC, Inc. and Linux Journal Magazine.

We encourage you to add the logo to your advertisements and product and let the world know Linux is here to stay.