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# Echo server program

from socket import *
HOST = ''	# Symbolic name meaning the local host<\n> 
PORT = 50007	# Arbitrary non-privileged server
s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM )
s.bind( HOST, PORT )
s.listen( 1 )
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connected by', addr
while 1 :
     data  = conn.recv( 1024 )
     if not data :
	  conn.send( data )

Listing 2b. Another Example of a Script Using Sockets


# Echo client program

from socket import *
HOST  = ''		# The remote host
PORT  =  50007 			# Arbitrary non-privileged server
s  = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM )
s.connect( HOST, PORT )
s.send( 'Hello, world' )
data =  s.recv( 1024 )
print 'Received', data