#!/usr/local/bin/wish global name frames dir # Set name to the base filename of the images, i.e. mb # for mb01.ppm, mb02.ppm, mb03.ppm, etc... # set name mb set dir forward proc forward {} { global name frames dir set dir backward for { set i 1 } { $i <= $frames } { incr i } { set n [ format "%02d" $i ] .t configure -image ${name}${n} update idletasks } } proc backward {} { global name frames dir set p forward for { set i $frames } { $i >= 1 } { incr i -1 } { set n [ format "%02d" $i ] .t configure -image ${name}${n} update idletasks } } set frames 1 while 1 { set n [ format "%02d" $frames ] image create photo mb$n if { [ catch {eval ${name}$n read ${name}${n}.ppm} ] } { break } incr frames } incr frames -1 puts "Loaded $frames images" label .t -image ${name}01 pack .t bind .t <Button-1> { eval $dir }