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Listing 3. The Updated Version of new and Method loadFile

for QuizQuestions.

sub new
    # Get our arguments
    my $type = shift;
    my ($quizName) = @_;
    my $self = {};

    # Set instance variable containing
    # quiz name
    my $self->{"quizname"} = $quizName;

    # Set instance variable containing questions
    my @questions = ();
    my $self->{"questions"} = \@questions;

    bless $self;

sub loadFile
    # Get ourselves
    my $self = shift;

    # Set some initial variables
    my @questions = ();
    my $counter = 0;

    # Open the questions file
    open (QUESTIONS, $questionDir . $self->{"quizname"}) || 
	return "Could not open file for $self->{"$quizname"} ";

    # Loop through the question file
    while (<QUESTIONS>)

	next if /^#/;     # Ignore comment lines
	next unless /\w/; # Ignore whitespace lines


        # Split the line across tabs
        my @list = split(/\t/);

        # Check to make sure that there are six
        # fields
        if ($#list != 5)
            # Return the line containing the error
            return "Error in line: \"$_\"";
	    # Add this question to our list
	    $questions[$counter++] = $_;


    # Now turn @questions into an
    # instance variable
    $self->{"questions"} = \@questions;

    # If there weren't problems,
    # then return 0
    return 0;