/* xhello.c -- An XForms Hello World Program On a "standard" Linux system, this program can be compiled with the command: gcc -lX11 -lforms -lm xhello.c -o xhello To have access to the XForms routines, we need to include the forms header file */ #include <forms.h> /* Since XForms applications are just standard C, we use a normal main() with command line arguments (if any) stored in argv. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* We need a couple of XForms variables */ FL_FORM *hello_window; FL_OBJECT *hello_button; /* The first call is to fl_initialize(), which sets up XForms and handles relevant command line options */ fl_initialize(&argc, argv,"xldlas", 0, 0); /* We create a simple window with a helloworld button in it */ hello_window = fl_bgn_form(FL_UP_BOX, 150, 50); hello_button = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,10,10,130,30,\ "Hello World"); fl_end_form(); /* Now that we've created our window, we need to show it. */ fl_show_form(hello_window,FL_PLACE_FREE,FL_FULLBORDER,\ "Push the Button"); /* Wait for the button to be pressed before exiting */ fl_do_forms(); return(0); }