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vplay 1.2 (12 Oct 95)
Usage: vplay [OPTIONS] [file ...]

-V	--version	output version information and exit
-S	--stereo	stereo output (default is mono)
-s	--speed=SPEED	sets the samplerate (default
		is 8000 Hz)
-t	--timelimit=SEC	sets the recording time
		in seconds
-b	--samplesize=BITS	sets the sample size
		(default is 8 bit)
-o	--device=DEVICE	changes the audio device
		(default is /dev/dsp)
-v	--voc	record a CREATIVE LABS VOICE file
-w	--wave	record a MICROSOFT WAVE file
-r	--raw	record raw data without header
-q	--quiet	quiet mode
-d	--verbose	show verbose informations
-h	--help	display this help and exit