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Linux Journal Issue #45/January 1998

Emphasis: Network Clustering


Parallel Computing Using Linux by Manu Konchady
Various classes of problems lend themselves to parallel computing solutions. This article discusses the concepts and shows how Linux can be used to address the problem.

Parallel Processing using PVM by Richard A. Sevenich
PVM is a software application that allows you to turn TCP/IP networked computers into a single virtual machine in order to run parallel programming.

I'm Not Going to Pay a Lot for This Supercomputer! by Jim Hill, Michael Warren and Patrick Goda
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Caltech obtain gigaflops performance on parallel Linux machines running free software and built of commodity parts costing less than $55,000 each.

HPF: Programming Linux Clusters the Easy Way by Mike Delves
Mr. Delves tells us all about high performance Fortran and how it is used to write code to run efficiently on parallel computers.

News & Articles

X-CD-Roast: CD Writer Software by Thomas Niederreiter
Mr. Niederreiter tells us all about his graphical user interface for writing data to a CD-ROM.

Netatalk, Linux and the Macintosh by Richard Parry
With Netatalk, you can drag and drop files from Linux to Mac and back, share system resources and more.

LJ Interviews Mike Apgar, Speakeasy Cafe by Marjorie Richardson

The Quick Start Guide to the GIMP, Part 3 by Michael J. Hammel
This month we learn how to use the Image Window and layers in building our images with the GIMP, a Linux power tool for the graphics artist.


Ricochet Modem by Randy Bentson

Red Hat CDE by Don Kuenz

Microway "Screamer 533" by Bradley Willson

Running Linux by Zach Beane

JDBC Developer's Resource by Rob Wehrli

Unix for the Hyper-Impatient by Daniel Lazenby


Internet Connections With the 56Kbps Modems by Tony Williamitis
Higher speed Internet connections are on the horizon with U.S. Robotics' XS modem and Rockwell International's K56Plus.

At the Forge: A Recipe for Making Cookies by Reuven M. Lerner
Cookies are an excellent way of keeping track of users who visit a web site. Here's how to use them.


Letters to the Editor

From the Editor
The Beowulf Project by Marjorie Richardson

Stop the Presses
LISA '97 Conference by Phil Hughes

Linux Apprentice
Need More Info? by Bill W. Cunningham Here's how to get the information you need using GNU's hypertext system called info.

Take Command
Kill: The Command to End All Commands by Dean Provins Need to get rid of a job that's gotten into a loop and refuses to end? Here's a command that will take care of the problem.

Linux Means Business
Linux at Rancho Santiago College by Steve Moritsugu Linux is being used to teach Computer Science classes at a community college in Santa Ana, California.

New Products

System Administration
Securing Networked Applications with SESAME by Paul Ashley and Bradley Broom This article describes the SESAME Security Architecture and how it can be used to secure your networked applications.

Kernel Korner
Playing with Binary Formats by Alessandro Rubini This article explains how kernel modules can add new binary formats to a system and show a pair of examples.

Linux Gazette
Remote Compilation Using ssh and make by John R. Daily Here's a quick lesson in setting up scripts to use the ssh and make commands for compiling on a remote machine.

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