return to first page linux journal archive

Listing 1. Data Collection Script

# lines associated with same number are treated
# as one line. Blank lines have been deleted.
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use FileHandle;
5 $DATADIR="/home/weather/data";
7 if ($#ARGV < 0) { die "Usage: weatherd tty\n";
8 $TTY = $ARGV[0];
10 system(
   "stty `cat /home/weather/bin/tty` < $TTY");
11 print "stty returned $?\n";
13 # Filename for today's data
14 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,
   $isdst) = 
15    localtime(time);
16 $TODAY= sprintf "%02d%02d%02d", $mon+1,
   $mday, $year;
21 open(LINE, "< $TTY") or die 
   "Unable to open tty: $TTY";
22 open(OUT, ">> $OUTFILE") or die 
   "Unable to open output file: $OUTFILE";
24 LINE->autoflush(1);
25 OUT->autoflush(1);
27 while(<LINE>)
28 {
30    # parse out date, make sure it matches $TODAY
32    ($time, $date, $wdir, $wspeed, $aux, $intemp,
33       $outtemp, $hum, $bp, $raind,<\n> 
   $rainm, $rain_rate) = split;
35    $date =~ s/\///g;
37    if ( $time =~ /Min/ ) {
38       #system(" echo \'$_\' ><\n> 
   $DATADIR/$date.min ");
40       open(MIN, ">> $DATADIR/$date.min")
41        or die "Unable to open output<\n> 
   file: $DATADIR/$date.min";
42       printf MIN "%s", $_;
43       close MIN;
44    }
45    elsif ( $time =~ /Max/ ) {
46       #system(" echo \'$_\' > $DATADIR/$date.max ");
48       open(MAX, ">> $DATADIR/$date.max")
49        or die "Unable to open output<\n> 
   file: $DATADIR/$date.max";
50       printf MAX "%s", $_;
51       close MAX;
52    }
53    else
54    {
55       $date =~ s/\///g;
57       if( $TODAY eq $date )
58       {
59          printf OUT "%s",$_; 
60       }
61       else
62       {
63          $TODAY = $date;
65          # if not, close this file<\n> 
            and open the next one
66          close OUT;
67          $OUTFILE =<\n> 
68          open(OUT, ">> $OUTFILE")
69             or die "Unable to<\n> 
   open output file: $OUTFILE";
71          OUT->autoflush(1);
72          printf OUT "%s",$_; 
73       }
74    }