#!/usr/bin/perl # Get the time from a time server # Marcel Gagné, Salmar Consulting Inc., 1999 $remote_host="chime.utoronto.ca"; $remote_port="13"; $hostname=`hostname`; chomp $hostname; use IO::Socket; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $remote_host, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Could not connect to " . "$remote_host:$remote_port: $@\n"; # Get the time $the_time = <$socket>; print "The time is $the_time\n"; $local_time = `date`; print "Your system, $hostname, thinks the" . "correct \n date and time is $local_time.\n"; print "Resetting date and time ...\n"; $new_date = `date -s "$the_time"`; print "New date is $new_date"; # Close the socket connection if open close($socket);