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Listing 1. Macro to Interface to for Loops

"Bool: " C-space 
    is one end of the region
C-u C-x q 
C-x C-x 
C-x r s a 
C-a C-k 
     should not be part of the buffer
"Iterator: " 
     register b
"Value: " 
     to register c
"for (bool " 
     the for-loop
C-x r i a Insert the name of the boolean
"= " C-x r i b 
C-e ".First(" C-x r i c 
C-e "); " C-x r i a C-e "; 
" C-x r i a C-e " = " C-x r i b C-e
".Next(" C-x r i c C-e ")) {" Return