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Linux Journal Issue #74/June 2000


People Behind Linux  by Marjorie Richardson


We Talk to Everybody  by Marjorie Richardson, Jason Schumaker and David Penn
A quick look at some of the people who helped make Linux possible.

My Life and Free Software  by Jon "maddog" Hall


Monitor diald from Anywhere on Your LAN  by Ed Beroset
Find out what's happening when using IP Masquerade and diald to access the Internet remotely.

wxPython, a GUI Toolkit  by Hugues Talbot
Whether it's a flesh wound or not, you'll feel much better after reading about this new cross-platform toolkit written in Python and wrapped around wxWindows.

Economical Fault-Tolerant Networks  by Ali Raza Butt with Jahangir Hasan, Kamran Khalid and Farhan-ud-din Mirza
A software solution to achieve fault tolerance by capitalizing on redundant replication of data and elimination of any single point of failure and with transparent switchover.

PoPToP, a Secure and Free VPN Solution  by Matthew Ramsay
When the expense of a remote access server is no longer attractive, it's time to look at the solution offered by a VPN.

Linux for the End User-Phase 1  by Clay Shirky

The Artist's Guide to the Linux Desktop, Part 3  by Michael Hammel
In this episode, Mr. Hammel tells us about the Window Maker window manager, a less flashy but more mature product than Enlightenment.


Builder Xcessory  by Robert Hartley

Visual SlickEdit 5.0  by Larry Ayers

Photodex's CompuPic  by Michael J. Hammel

Running Linux, 3rd Edition  by Ibrahim F. Haddad

Programming the Perl DBI  by Bill Cunningham

Comparative Book Review  by James Paul Holloway

LINUX & UNIX Shell Programming  by Marjorie Richardson


Linux Apprentice: Linux Tools for the Web  by Ralph Krause
A look at some tools to help you easily create and maintain your web site.

Take Command: XVScan  by Marjorie Richardson
Scanning photos has never been easier.

Linux Means Business: Mission-Critical Application on Linux  by Rolf Krogstad
This company converted to a Linux server for its Oracle database and increased operation speeds eight-fold.

System Administration: Secure Logging Over a Network  by Federico and Christian Pellegrin
In this article we are going to cover the idea of logging the system activities over a TCP network in a secure way, by interfacing the existing syslog daemon with secure shell using simple Perl scripts.

Kernel Korner: Contributing to the Linux Kernel - Diff and Patch  by Joseph Pranevich
To make changes in the kernel, you need to know all about the diff and patch commands.

Linley on Linux Intel's Itanium on Launch Pad  by Linley Gwennap
The new Intel chip promises to take the PC to the high-end server market. Will Linux go along?

Cooking with Linux: I'll Have My People Call Your People  by Marcel Gagne
Building a web-based telephone book can be easy, as long as you don't drink too much of Marcel's wine while you work.

At the Forge: Building Sites with Mason by Reuven M. Lerner

The Cutting Edge: The Penguin and the Dinosaur  by Adam J. Thornton
Think Linux is only for the PC? Think again.

Games We Play: Game Developers Conference 2000  by Jason Kroll

Focus on Software  by David A. Bandel

Embedded Systems News Briefs  by Rick Lehrbaum

The Last Word  by Stan Kelly-Bootle


More Letters


Penguin's Progress: Just Folks  by Peter H. Salus

Linux for Suits: Linux for Suits  by Doc Searls

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Data and Telecommunications: Systems and Applications  by Derek Vadala

Installing Window Maker  by Michael J. Hammel
Mr. Hammel gives us the basics for installing and configuring Window Maker.