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by Rick Lehrbaum

An embedded Linux tsunami washed ashore in Tokyo on July 14th, as a handful of the world's most powerful electronics manufacturers including Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, NEC and Toshiba joined nineteen other companies and academic institutions to launch a Japanese embedded Linux consortium. The mission of the new Japan Embedded Linux Consortium (EMBLIX) strongly echoes that of the Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) formed in Chicago earlier this year: to promote the use of Linux in a broad spectrum of next-generation intelligent devices and embedded systems. This strong showing of support from Japan's consumer electronics giants adds momentum to the already rapid proliferation of embedded Linux.

The founding members of EMBLIX include Advanced Data Controls, Access, Canon, CATS, Centura Embedded Systems, Densan, ERG, Elmic Systems, FDS Embedded Systems, Fujitsu, Gaio Technology, Hitachi, Lineo Japan, Metrowerks, Mitsubishi Electric, Montavista Software Japan, NEC Electronic Devices, Red Hat, Toshiba, Toyohashi University of Science & Technology, TurboLinux Japan, Waseda University and YDC. Dr. Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University) was named interim chair, while John Cheuck (TurboLinux Japan) and Y. Paul Kunimine (Gaio Technology) are serving as interim vice chairmen. First-year membership in EMBLIX costs $1,000 per company and is waived for academic institutions. According to Cheuck, EMBLIX membership is restricted to corporations having a permanently established presence in Japan.

Visit EMBLIX at

Meanwhile, Back at the ELC...

Membership in the Embedded Linux Consortium surpassed 70 companies within three months of the group's March 1 launch. In June, the ELC elected its first Board of Directors: Dr. Inder Singh, chairman and CEO, LynuxWorks; Michael Tiemann, chief technology officer, Red Hat; James Ready, CEO, MontaVista Software; Tim Bird, chief technology officer, Lineo; Dan Bandera, business line manager, IBM Pervasive Computing; and Greg Wright, an independent Linux community member. Wright represents the 20+ ``noncorporate'' ELC members on the board.

Congratulations are also in order for Ralf Doewich, who won the ELC's logo contest. Doewich, whose entry placed first among a field of fifty, was the happy recipient of an HP C500 digital camera donated by ELC member Hewlett Packard.

Visit the ELC at

Speaking of New Embedded Linux Orgs...

Organizers of a new Real-Time Linux Consortium (RTLC) will hold an organizational meeting during the Second Annual Real-Time Linux Workshop on November 29 in Orlando, Florida (``Tux Meets Donald Duck?''). The organizers have created a temporary RTLC web site where you can learn more about both the workshop and the proposed real-time consortium:

And Speaking of Conferences...

The second Embedded Linux Expo & Conference (ELEC) will occur on October 27 in Westborough, Massachusetts. The event combines an embedded Linux vendor expo with an all-day technical conference. The conference features technically oriented talks on integrating embedded Linux into information appliances, smart devices and other kinds of embedded systems. For further information, see

Last, but Not Least...

The Embedded Linux market recently gained two new web resources:

Rick Lehrbaum ( is founder and executive editor of ZDNet's web site--``The Embedded Linux Portal''.


In spite of Microsoft's advantage in marketing dollars, Apache continues to be the web server of choice. The issue came up again because Microsoft is attempting to migrate their site over to Windows 2000 boxes.

When Microsoft bought and, they bought working sites based on FreeBSD. There were rumors of an earlier conversion attempt for, but apparently those were just rumors. Now it is happening.

The current report from Netcraft's web survey ( Apache's market share and a decrease in Microsoft's market share. Thus, Microsoft seems to be going against the trend with

Here are some details from the survey:

Server | June 2000 | July 2000 | % Change

Apache | 10,704,306 | 11,412,233 | +0.28
Microsoft ISS | 3,485,995 | 3,608,415 | -0.50
Netscape-Enterprise | 1,154,558 | 1,225,085 | +0.17

Looking at longer-term trends, it was back in 1996 when Apache started getting significant market share and passed NCSA for the top slot. Over the years, Apache has experienced steady growth. Microsoft-IIS grew in market share up until the beginning of this year, but now continues to fall.

Why is this the case? We talked to one ISP in Canada and found that they run Apache on Linux, claiming to have about the same amount of traffic on their single machine as the ISP a block away has on their array of nine NT servers. Enough said.


Two months ago, our cover featured an iMac running Yellow Dog Linux. Next, I saw an iMac running SuSE 6.4. in the SuSE booth at the O'Reilly conference. What's happening?

Linux on the Mac isn't new. There has been Linux development for M68000 and PPC-based systems for many years. What has changed is both on the Mac and the Linux end.

First, the iMac has become a reasonably inexpensive platform with enough documentation on the architecture to make it a place to host your favorite OS. Today, for around $1000, you can buy a cute little plastic box the size of a monitor that has enough computing horsepower to run Linux. So, why not give it a try?

On the Linux side, what you get today is more appealing to the person who owns a Mac or might want to own a Mac. Two big issues are ease of installation and having a GUI-based system. In the August LJ review, installing Yellow Dog was covered. Clearly an easy install. While we haven't had a chance to install the SuSE version yet (the CD is on the way), if SuSE's recent install on Intel-based systems is any indication, it is going to be easy, perhaps very easy.

But, what about when the Mac user sees Linux come up? Will he be scared? Not likely. Yellow Dog defaults to the GNOME GUI, SuSE to KDE. Either is a reasonable desktop that shouldn't scare off the newcomer.

Finally, Mac on Linux (MOL), included with both distributions, allows you to access files and run native MacOS applications under Linux. So, if beige isn't the color you want for your Linux system, it looks like the time for colorful alternatives is here.


A Friday the 13th party like you've never seen before....

LJ and the Atlanta Linux Showcase organizers are teaming up to host a grand party during ALS this October. (See for show registration information.)

The evening will feature the first annual ALS Best of Show Awards and the Fifth Annual Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards, followed by a fright-filled evening including music, dancing, prizes and lots of beer. But beware, the evening just may turn out to be more than you bargained for...

Stop by Linux Journal's ALS booth #417 to pick up your invitation. Visit for more details.


Rock Linux is a distribution whose claim to fame is that it's harder to install than other distributions. Rather than being user-friendly, this distribution tries to be ``administrator-friendly''; that is, something an experienced UNIX sys admin would like. Its motto is minimalism: ``All you ever wanted in a distribution--and less!'' This distribution tries to get out of the way as much as possible, exposing you to the raw Linux system behind it.

Of all the major distributions, Rock Linux most closely resembles Slackware. Rather than using a custom packaging format like .rpm or .deb, Rock uses ordinary tarballs as its packaging format. (*.tar.bz2, to be exact. The new .bz2 is a younger cousin of the ubiquitous .gz format. Its practical advantage is that bzip2 produces files approximately 20% smaller than gzip.) Like Slackware, Rock Linux prefers to patch upstream programs as little as possible. ``If it's good enough for the upstream author, it's good enough for us!'' Any desired customizations are the local sys admin's responsibility.

This is in sharp contrast to most distributions, which usually make many changes to the programs they include. They do this both in an attempt to ``social engineer'' the distribution to hide the operating system's complexities from the user, and to differentiate themselves from other distributions in the marketplace. Unfortunately, this social engineering comes at a price: inflexibility. Those snazzy GUI configuration dialogs may be nifty and easy to use, but if you need to change an option in a way the GUI designers didn't envision, you're out of luck. If you do try to outsmart the GUI tool and modify a text configuration file by hand, you may find that the GUI tool will happily overwrite your changes the next time somebody runs it.

Rock Linux has no GUI administration tools. However, there are a few command-line utilities provided to make the administrator's job easier. One is runlvedit, which helps you edit your system's run levels. (A run level specifies which d<\#230>mons should be running in a particular situation. Thus, run level 2 might be your ``normal'' mode, run level 3 is without X, run level 4 is without the network, etc.) True to the Rock Linux philosophy, runlvedit doesn't invoke a dialog. Instead, it uses your favorite text editor as its user interface.

Rock Linux is not for the faint-hearted. You have to compile your distribution before installing it (!), and this will take days, even if nothing goes wrong--but of course, something will. The installation process consists less of choosing options in dialogs, and more of using standard Linux commands--mke2fs, mount, etc.--or changing a configuration file and then running a shell script to do the mundane work.

If you want to try and tame this beast, plan on spending a week or two to get familiar with it. You'll be rewarded with a more intimate knowledge of your Linux system and how it works than perhaps any other distribution can offer.

For more information on Rock Linux, see these URLs:


Why do you think they call it Red Hat?

``Linux sort of springs organically from the Earth. And it had, you know, the characteristics of communism that people love so very, very much about it. That is, it's free.''

--Steve Ballmer

``Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember.''

--Oscar Levant

``Be courageous; it's the only place left uncrowded.''

--Anita Roddick

``It's not that we didn't like him as a spokesperson, we just liked him a whole lot more as a taco.''

--Conan O'Brien impersonating the Taco Bell decisionmakers.

``The future is no place to place your better days.''

--Dave Matthews Band

``Ways may someday be developed by which the government, without removing papers from secret drawers, can reproduce them in court, and by which it will be enabled to expose to a jury the most intimate occurrences of the home.''

--Lewis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, in a 1928 dissent that later became law


``It's personal. That's my entire philosophy of radio.''

--Larry Josephson

My favorite moment on ``Saturday Night Live'' was Paul Shaffer's impersonation of Don Kirshner, the helmet-haired, hyper-tanned record executive whose own syndicated rock concert often followed ``SNL'' on local NBC affiliates. In April 1978, Shaffer, playing Kirshner, introduced The Blues Brothers for the first time. ``No longer an authentic blues act'', he said, The Blues Brothers had become ``a viable commercial product.''

Even then, Kirshner was an anachronism. It was already clear that the difference between authentic and commercial was the industrial heft required to make and move goods whose appeal was no less manufactured than the goods themselves. Commercial music and commercial broadcasting were two gears in the same machine: the business of stimulating and filling appetites for large quantities of music in the smallest possible varieties. ``Saturday Night Live'' was part of that machine as well. What else was on TV at that hour? Or ever?

Radio was hardly any better. Even the largest cities had fewer than a couple dozen signals that didn't fade within a few exits of downtown. For music stations, you could usually count the choices on one hand. Every one of those few stations tried to attract the largest numbers of listeners with the smallest varieties of tastes, so they could sell those numbers at top dollar to advertisers. The result was demand as homogeneous as supply, plus the ironic notion that the narrowest tastes comprised the broadest markets.

Also ironic was the belief that listeners comprised markets in any real sense. By the economics of commercial radio, listeners were the product, not programming. Stations and networks sold time to advertisers, not programming to listeners. Music and other programming was just bait. What listeners really wanted meant approximately nothing, which is what they paid for the goods. After all, they were consumers, not customers.

So can we blame them when they give music to each other at the same price?

Well sure. That's what the record industry has been doing by attacking Napster and wringing its hands over the ``stealing'' of copyrighted music that occurs when one music lover shares his or her MP3 collection with others over the Internet. They are joined by none other than our own leadership. Eric Raymond inveighs on behalf of artists' and record companies' right to distribute their property as they see fit, regardless of how easy it is for customers to share that property without anybody's consent. In a Linux Journal guest editorial, Eric writes, ``The real point is that by 'sharing' without the artist's consent, you deprive him of the right to control and dispose of his work. The real question is this: are you going to support the artists, or steal away the few shreds of autonomy they might have left?''

Let's assume we answer ``yes'' to the first part of that question. The next question is, ``Can we make a market where nothing is scarce and everybody can take what they want?''

Courtney Love points the way:

I'm looking for people to help connect me to more fans, because I believe fans will leave a tip based on the enjoyment and service I provide. I'm not scared of them getting a preview. It really is going to be a global village where a billion people have access to one artist and a billion people can leave a tip if they want to.

It's a radical democratization. Every artist has access to every fan and every fan has access to every artist, and the people who direct fans to those artists. People that give advice and technical value are the people we need. People crowding the distribution pipe and trying to ignore fans and artists have no value. This is a perfect system.

Is there a tip jar system out there already--or at least the beginnings of one?

Indeed, there is. We call it public broadcasting. Get past the noncommercial nature of the institutions that sell the service, and their often pathetic appeals for ``support'', and you see the model at work. In some cases it works better than the advertising model, for the simple and efficient reason that the broadcaster's consumers and customers are the same people--a market grace advertising-supported broadcasters have never enjoyed (and paid subscription media like the one you are reading now have enjoyed, thank you very much).

Case in point. San Francisco's KJAZ was the longest-running commercial jazz station in the country until a few years ago, when its owner fell into deep debt and had to unload the property, which had been making money--not much, but enough to stay profitable. The owner made an appeal, and listeners sent in well over a million dollars in donations: more in a few weeks than the station made in a year from advertising, and none of it tax-deductible. It wasn't enough (the owner needed many more millions) and the donors got their money back; but further proof of the market model came when one of the local noncommercial stations picked up the format full-time, and reportedly made more money selling programming to listeners than KJAZ ever did selling time to advertisers.

I would gladly pay to play or hear anything I love. Right now, I pay to listen to four public radio stations and one public TV station. I don't see my purchases as ``donations'', although I'm glad to claim the tax deduction. I see it as a tip jar system. And I would love to see some infrastructure built around it, so I could automatically make micropayments (or macropayments in a few special cases) for using artist-controlled material.

Why not set up a micropayment system for everything on TV, making TV a completely <#224>a la carte paid medium? Two reasons: 1) the infrastructure isn't there yet; and 2) the Broadcast Mentality can't imagine making Big Money doing anything but selling advertising.

The most effective advertising--that which answers demand, or at least comes close--barely qualifies for the label. Only two kinds of advertising in fact do speak directly to demand: classifieds and yellow pages. Coming close are the ads in trade publications like this one, where they amount to paid editorial. Subtracting them would make the magazine worth much less. But mass-market advertising is a whole different beast.

But in fully symmetrical, conversational, networked markets, mass- market advertising is toast. It's extremely expensive, highly inefficient and usually unaccountable. Install the infrastructure of accountability, and it goes away or morphs into something much different.

What would happen if TiVo users could truly interact with TV advertisers? Or even if every MUTE button sent we-don't-want-this messages directly to advertisers, rather than to media and agencies?

Take it another step. What would happen if anybody could set up his or her own TV or radio station? Well, that's exactly what happened with Napster and Gnutella. What we saw with the explosion of peer-to-peer crossloading of MP3 files was the mass rush of music lovers into the space commercial radio gradually vacated since the early days of the AM and FM bands, when connoisseurs played great music from vast record collections, giving the audience a way to sample music they might buy at the record store.

Music sharing is to radio what the PC was to computing--a way to make the whole industry personal. And, in the process, to turn it from one controlled entirely by supply, to one controlled by demand. Rather than a few thousand stations run entirely by suppliers with almost no respect for demand, we have millions of stations run by demand itself. New software services like Radio Userland ( are based on the notion that radio is now totally personal, and that supply and demand are both on the same side.

Sharing music is what Personal Radio is all about. Not hi-fi.

Courtney says, ``No one really prefers a cruddy-sounding Napster MP3 file to the real thing.'' In fact, radio has always been a lo-fi way to sample music. The whole country music genre was driven for decades by one station--WSM in Nashville--whose night signal over the Southeast faded and squawked with static and distortion. Even FM radio at its best is hardly CD-quality. The sound is extremely compromised by compressed dynamics and regulation that truncates the treble at 15KHz (to name just two of its many shortcomings).

So how do we build this tip jar?

First, we need to get away from The Napster Argument, which seems to happen exclusively between those who want to continue conceiving music as a scarce manufactured good and those who don't--or who don't want to conceive it only in those terms. I think there is middle ground here. Don Marti jokes that ``Information wants to be $6.95.'' I think there is truth to that.

I also think we start to discover the true value of shared music by talking about it. Not about whether or not The Evil Record Companies deserve to die, or whether Music Wants to Be Free. Eric is right: these are red herrings. It is clearly possible to value abundant goods--free goods, somewhere above zero.

The price tag is only about one hundred years old. Throughout history, the value of goods was always discovered in conversation. Visit any market in the Third World, and this becomes vividly clear. Fr. Se<\#225>n Olaoire, a priest who got kicked out of Kenya for bringing food to poor people after spending fifteen years working there, says ``the idea of a price tag is ludicrous to both vendors and customers in village markets.'' The idea that a vendor would have that kind of power, much less exercise it, would make no sense. ``It would be like talking to yourself,'' he says.

We're in new territory here--one where industrial notions about property (as well as industrial metaphors about 'moving' it) start to look insufficient, irrelevant and anachronistic. In the manner of traditional markets, I think we need to negotiate an answer--and build the means for making it work.

Doc Searls ( is senior editor of Linux Journal and coauthor of The Cluetrain Manifesto.

LJ INDEX--October 2000

  1. Number of people in the world: 6,000,000,000
  2. Number of people on-line: 288,000,000
  3. Percentage of world population on-line: 4.8%
  4. Percentage of world population that speaks English: 5.4%
  5. Percentage of people on-line who speak English: 51.3%
  6. Percentage of world population that speaks Mandarin: 14.75%
  7. Percentage of people on-line who speak Mandarin: 5.2%
  8. Percentage of world population that speaks Japanese: 2.1%
  9. Percentage of people on-line who speak Japanese: 7.2%
  10. Dollars of venture capital invested in Q1, 2000: $17,220,000,000 US
  11. Number of banner ads DoubleClick serves per second: 25,000
  12. Combined age of Napster's two founders: 39
  13. Price per pound of gold: $4,827.20 US
  14. Price per pound of Pentium III 800MHz microprocessors: $42,893.00 US
  15. Price per pound of Viagra: $11,766.00 US
  16. Price per pound of Palm Vs: $1762.92 US
  17. Price per pound of rolled steel: $.19 US


Stop the Presses: Watch These Hacks

``Some say Linux cannot be scaled down. This is just to show Linux is capable of doing this.'' So says Takako Yamakura, an IBM spokeswoman, giving the giant company's reason for putting Linux on a wristwatch.

In a statement to Reuters, IBM said, ``Designed to communicate wirelessly with PCs, cell phones and other wireless-enabled devices, the 'smart watch' will have the ability to view condensed e-mail messages and directly receive pagerlike messages.''

At the other end of the scale, IBM has news that makes highly ferrous companies magnetically attractive to Linux: they are aggressively promoting Linux on their S/390 mainframes (

It's already possible to run hundreds of Linux images on a single S/390 server. At this point, IBM has announced support for SuSE and TurboLinux (``generally available 4Q00'') plus development tools that allow modification of Linux to run on the S/390. ``These are patches of the Linux packages like binutils, gcc and others'', IBM says.


Cool New Web Site:, maintained by LJ's own Doc Searls.

ESR on DeCSS and Napster

Our community must speak out on the basic differences between ``our property'' and ``other peoples' property'', loudly enough to be heard and clearly enough so the press and courts and public can understand.


Please Remember

Microsoft Windows didn't get as bad as it is overnight--it took over ten years of careful development!


José Neto

Rock Linux

When asked what the particular advantage of this (newer) Linux distribution is, Pjotr Prins responded: ``It is more difficult to install.''

A Guide to Software Revisions

1.0: Also known as ``one point uh-oh'', or ``barely out of beta''. Released because the programmers reached a point of exhaustion and marketing was in a cold sweat of terror.


Programmer's Poem


waka waka bang splat tick tick hash
carat at back-tick dollar dollar dash
splat bang tick dollar underscore
percent splat waka waka number four
ampersand right-paren dot dot slash
curly bracket tilde pipe
splat splat crash

Source [We added the pipe symbol--it was missing from the web version. --ED]

A Useful awk Program

To sum up a column of numbers appearing in a tab-delimited text file, try the following awk program called summ. It works well with a few other tricks.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
        total = total + $1
END     {
        print total
Assume data file data.txt contains:

aaa     44      asdf
bbb     55      asdf
ccc     67      asqq
Then you can use this command to sum the numbers:

$ cut -f2 data.txt | summ
To process only some of the lines, use grep to select them:

$ grep 'asdf' data.txt | cut -f2 | summ


Linux Gazette, August 2000


What were people talking about in July and early August? Below is a sampling of some of the hotter news rumbling through the Linux/Open Source Community over the past few weeks: