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Listing 1. Whizbang-1.2-3.spec Configuration File

1 #
2 # RPM Package Manager (RPM) File for "Whizbang"
3 #
4 Summary: Some neat Whiz Bang program
5 Name: whixbang
6 Version: 1.2
7 Release: 3
8 Prefix: /opt
9 Copyright: Commerical
10 Group: Application/Productivity
11 URL: http://www/ibm/com/linux
12 Vendor: International Business Machines
13 Packager: George Kraft IV

14 %description
15 This is a demonstration of a relocatable RPM
16 package for a fictional productivity application.

17 %file
18 /opt/whiz/bin/whizbang
19 /opt/whiz/man/whizbang.1
20 /etc/opt/whiz/whiz.conf

21 # Post-install stuff would go here.

22 #EOF