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Linux Journal Issue #79/November 2000


Focus: Hardware  by Don Marti

Building the Ultimate Linux Workstation  by Don Marti
Here's how to make a responsive system with high-performance 3-D, fast disk, lush sound and the things to keep it trouble-free.

AMD's Duron Processor  by Don Marti
A $70 CPU may be all that you need. We take a first look at AMD's Duron, an excellent choice for midrange desktop Linux machines.

The Return of the Revenge of the Killer $800 Linux Box  by Jason Schumaker
Can't afford Don Marti's "Ultimate" Linux box? Well, read on...Jason outlines options for the economically challenged.


Readers' Choice Awards  by Heather Mead
Enough about us already; what do you think?

Penguin Playoff Follow-Up  by Doc Searls
Athletic flightless waterfowl? No, just the skinny on the Comdex exhibitor awards ceremony.

LTOOLS  by Dr. Werner Zimmermann
If you work with multiple platforms, LTOOLS may offer a way to make your life a whole lot easier.

A Web-Based Lunch Ordering System  by Cheng-Chai Ang
The author demonstrates how easy it is to write in Python--and make sure you get steamed, not fried rice.

Bare Metal Restore  by Charles Curley
Most of us don't take the time to place for disaster recovery. This article gives you the step-by-step.

Software ICs  by Robert D. Findlay
"Complexity must be grown from simple systems that already work."

GNU Queue  by W. G. Krebs
Farm those jobs out with Gnu Queue!

Customize Linux from the Bottom  by He Zhu
Can't find a system that has everything you want? Build your own.

Linux as a Work Environment Desktop  by Mark Stacey
Tips and suggestions for using Linux on the desktop in a non-Linux workplace.

Linux and Networking: The Next Revolution  by Marcio Saito
Recent changes in the areas of both software and hardware are combining to revolutionize networking.

Dissecting the CueCat  by Michael Guslick
Getting inside the CueCat.

A Conversation with Red Hat's Michael Tiemann  by Dan Wilder
How embedded systems have become a part of Red Hat's operations.

It's Mod. It's Layout. Any Questions?  by Brian Aker
Web composition solutions provided by ModLayout.

Real Hard Time  by Doc Searls
MontaVista's announcement was not met with universal approval.


At the Forge  Using PostgreSQL  by Reuven M. Lerner

Cooking with Linux  Aging Systems for Flavour  by Marcel Gagne

Linux Apprentice  Where to Install My Products on Linux  by George Kraft IV


Linley on Linux Seeking Set-Top Nirvana  by Linley Gwennap

Focus on Software  by David A. Bandel

Embedded Systems News  by Rick Lehrbaum

The Last Word  by Stan Kelly-Bootle

Linux for Suits: Let Freedom Ping  by Doc Searls


MySQLGUI--The MySQL Graphical Client  by Bill W. Cunningham

Linux System Security  by Ibrahim Haddad

SAMBA Black Book  by Daniel Lazenby

GNOME/GTK+ Programming  by Ben Crowder




Jason's Tips  by Jason Schumaker

From the Publisher: Announcement  by Phil Hughes

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