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Linux Journal Issue #80/December 2000


Focus: System Administration  by Don Marti

Port Scans and Ping Sweeps Explained  by Lawrence Teo
Lawrence Teo explains two common network probes and what can be done to detect them.

High Availability Cluster Checklist  by Tim Burke
With a variety of clustering services on the market, the ability to determine how well options meet your specific business needs is necessary.

Monitoring Your UPS with apcupsd  by Riccardo Facchetti
We delve into the details of apcupsd, a program for monitoring and controlling APC UPSes.

PVFS: A Parallel Virtual File System for Linux Clusters  by Ibrahim F. Haddad
An introduction to the Parallel Virtual File System and a look at how one company installed and tested it.

A Linux-Based Automatic Backup System  by Michael O'Brien
A step-by-step procedure for establishing a backup system that will save time and money.

Linux System Administration : A User's Guide  by Marcel Gagne
An excerpt from our French chef's upcoming book.


Jigsaw: A Revolutionary Web Server for Linux  by Ibrahim F. Haddad
The design philosophy and essential features of the Jigsaw Web Server exposed.

Elegance of Java and the Efficiency of C++--It's Ada  by Frode Tennebø
Tennebø recommends taking a look at Ada.

PHP4 and PostgreSQL: Building Serious Web Applications with Open-Source Software  by Tim Perdue
A walk-through of a simple web application to demonstrate the features of PHP and Postgres.

About the Mod: Part 1  by Dave Phillips
An expansion and revision of material found in Linux Music & Sound

Debian Package Management, Part 1: A User's Guide  by David Blackman
A how-to for Debian package management.

Typesetting with groff Macros  by Wayne Marshall
Reports of troff's death are greatly exaggerated.

SISAL: A Safe and Efficient Language for Numerical Calculations  by D. J. Raymond
The benefits of SISAL and a call for action.


At the Forge  ATF Jubilee Edition  by Reuven M. Lerner

Cooking with Linux  Saucy Administration Tools  by Marcel Gagne


Linux for Suits The End of the Tube  by Doc Searls

Linley on Linux One World, One Processor?  by Linley Gwennap

Focus on Software  by David A. Bandel

Focus on Embedded Systems  by Rick Lehrbaum

The Last Word  by Stan Kelly-Bootle


PowerPlant  by Jim Gilbert

Debian 2.2 Potato: Memorial to a Hacker  by Stephanie Black

Linux in a Box for Dummies  by Ralph Krause

Two Books on PHP  by Phil Hughes

Programming Perl 3rd Edition  by Paul Barry

Linux Music & Sound  by Deric Mendes

Building Linux Clusters  by Glen Otero




From the Editor The Trouble with the Bastard Operator from Hell  by Don Marti

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