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About Linux Journal

Our mission is to serve the Linux community and promote the use of Linux worldwide. Linux Journal provides a way for people to find both hardware and software, get started and remain on the cutting edge. Our readers are those people who use Linux and want to know how to do everything with it. LJ's content is a benefit to the reader by providing information, to the Linux newsgroups by reducing "novice" questions, and to advertisers by providing them with a way to reach potential new users.

Phil Hughes came to the Linux world in early 1993 and decided at that time to produce a magazine to help people learn about Linux. He is the founder, first editor and current publisher of Linux Journal. The first issue was mailed in late February 1994 and now has a monthly circulation of well over 100,000.

Linux Journal is published by Specialized Systems Consultants (SSC), publisher of UNIX and C Pocket References for two decades.


Each issue of Linux Journal offers articles aimed at newcomers as well as serious technical articles for long-time UNIX users. Also, for the many business UNIX users, we offer articles on commercial uses for Linux. These business articles can be in the form of documentation of a place/job where Linux is being used commercially, technical development of commercial applications or reviews of commercial products.

Regular columns include:

We also have several new columns: There's also Best of Technical Support, New Products, book and product reviews and Letters to the Editor. Additionally, we feature interviews with prominent Linux personalities.

Linux Journal copyright information.


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Advertising in Linux Journal

Linux Journal is the computer industry's gateway to the world of Linux. Whether your product target is the Linux novice, computing professionals or system administrators, Linux Journal delivers. Our no nonsense tutorials, informative product reviews, and cutting-edge news from the Linux front have made LJ a great resource for readers and advertisers alike.

Linux Journal offers you:

Contact Linux Journal to request a media kit and/or reserve advertising space in an upcoming issue.

Linux Gazette

Issues #1 to #70 of Linux Gazette are included on this CD-ROM.

On August 1, 1996, Linux Journal took over the publication of Linux Gazette from John Fisk at his request. LJ has always felt that Linux Gazette fills a niche that LJ cannot. Being on-line, LG can be more timely and is able to address topics that would not be cost-effective in print media. Plans are to continue the electronic version of the Gazette at If you have suggestions for the Gazette or want to contribute an article for upcoming issues, contact

Linux Gazette copyright information.


Over 50,000 copies of Linux Journal are distributed on newsstands and computer bookstores worldwide. You should be able to find a copy at a store near you. Try, for example, any Borders, Barnes & Noble or Bookstar bookstores, Tower Books or Computer City.

Linux Journal on the World Wide Web

Updated daily, the Linux Journal World Wide Web site is the host of:

Visit the Linux Journal World Wide Web site at

For subscribers, all issues are available on the Web at