System-Related New Features

There are many features new to Red Hat Linux 7.0 that are not part of the installation process. Some new features are tools or applications that you can use; others are new versions of the kernel or desktop environments. These items are improvements that you'll see once you are using the OS itself.

Linux 2.2.x kernel

Red Hat Linux 7.0 includes the latest stable version of the 2.2.x Linux kernel.

XFree86 version 4.0.1

Red Hat Linux 7.0 contains the latest version of XFree86 — version 4.0.1, which supports many new drivers.

Red Hat Network

Red Hat now offers a customizable way to receive updates for your Red Hat Linux software. Using Red Hat Network and product registration, Red Hat will now help you keep up with the latest in hardware drivers and security fixes, enable automatic notification of updates, and much more. For more information, please refer to


The GNOME GUI desktop environment version 1.2 is included in Red Hat Linux.

Sawfish window manager

The sawfish window manager is now included in Red Hat Linux 7.0 as the default window manager for GNOME. Based on a Lisp-like language, sawfish is extensible and GNOME-aware.

KDE 1.1.2

The KDE GUI desktop environment version 1.12 is included in Red Hat Linux 7.0.

GCC compiler 2.96 snapshot

A snapshot of GCC compiler development, the gcc compiler in Red Hat Linux 7.0 allows for faster optimized code and more complete C++ support.

Encryption-related changes

Certain encryption and authentication system tools are now available:

  • Kerberos and LDAP authentication has been added to the installation program.

  • OpenSSH encryption tools are included in Red Hat Linux 7.0, to allow secure remote logins to your system.

  • The OpenSSL cryptography library is included in Red Hat Linux 7.0. OpenSSL supports secure transactions for mail, web and FTP communications.