Partitioning with fdisk

This section applies only if you chose to use fdisk to partition your system.

To partition your system without using fdisk, please skip to the section called Automatic Partitioning for automatic partitioning or the section called Partitioning Your System for partitioning with Disk Druid.

If you have already completed disk partitioning, skip to the section called Network Configuration for further installation instructions.


Unless you have previously used fdisk and understand how it works, we do not recommend that you use it.

Disk Druid is easier to understand than fdisk. To exit fdisk, click Back to return to the previous screen, deselect fdisk, and then click Next.

If you have chosen to use fdisk, the next screen will prompt you to select a drive to partition using fdisk. Once you have chosen which drive to partition, you will be presented with the fdisk command screen. If you do not know what command to use, type [m] at the prompt for help.

Warning/boot/efi is Type DOS

You must create a /boot/efi partition of type DOS as the first primary partition with the size of at least 100 MB.

When you are finished making partitions, type [w] to save your changes and quit. You will be taken back to the original fdisk screen where you can choose to partition another drive or continue with your installation.


None of the changes you make take effect until you save them and exit fdisk using the w command. You can quit fdisk at any time without saving changes using the q command.

After you have partitioned your drive(s), click Next. You will need to use Disk Druid to assign mount points to the partitions you just created with fdisk.

You will not be able to add new partitions using Disk Druid, but you will be able to edit mount points for the partitions you have already created. For each partition created with fdisk, click on the Edit button, choose the appropriate mount point for that partition from the pulldown menu, and click on OK.