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By Jim Dennis, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Breen, Chris, and the Gang, the Editors of Linux Gazette... and You!
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(?) RE: Linux Dialin Server

From Kashif Ullah Jan

Answered By Karl-Heinz Herrmann

Pls provide info regarding DIAL-IN SERVER for Linux with CALL BACK Facility.

(!) [] this is highly depending on how your call back server is configured.=20 So some more informations would help in helping you.
I have access to a call back server here. It is setup to dial back to me, but it will act as server, i.e. it will insist on choosing the IP and everything. It also will not authenticate itself properly (or I couldn't figure out how), but I have to authenticate myself to the call back machine as if I would login there.
basically you need some program which is listening to your modem and acts o= n connections. I use mgetty which even has a auto ppp detection mode. http://www.leo.org/~doering/mgetty
A properly configured mgetty listening on the modem will not disturb outgoi= ng connections. Only when the modem is free again it will start listening for incoming calls.
Then you will have to setup pppd so incoming calls as "autoppp" will authenticate themselfs correctly to the call back server. Thats basic pppd setup with pap secrets here, but can be different for you.
If you have more specific questions I can try to help you along.

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Published in issue 67 of Linux Gazette June 2001
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