X Configuration

The first part of X configuration deals with video card configuration.

Video Card Configuration

Xconfigurator will now present a list of video cards for you to choose from.

If you decided to install the X Window System packages, you now have the opportunity to configure an X server for your system. If you did not choose to install the X Window System packages, skip ahead to the section called Preparing to Install.

If your video card does not appear on the list (see Figure 3-19), X may not support it. However, if you have technical knowledge about your card, you may choose Unlisted Card and attempt to configure it by matching your card's video chipset with one of the available X servers.

Figure 3-19. Video Card Setup

Next, enter the amount of video memory installed on your video card. If you are not sure, please consult the documentation accompanying your video card. You will not damage your video card by choosing more memory than is available, but the X server may not start correctly if you do.

If you decide that the values you have selected are incorrect, you can click the Restore original values button to return to the suggested settings.

You can also select Skip X Configuration if you would rather configure X after the installation or not at all.